November 4, 2022

First Post! Doggyverse Project History 1

It's here! A doggyverse blog!

I don't have much experience with blogging, so this website will likely change a lot over time. I think in the long run I'll try and go for an early Windows aesthetic, but who knows. Overall, I'm excited to see where I expand my own world-building projects with this blog. If I can, I'll try to update on Fridays or whenever I have time.

Doggyverse Project History

Doggyverse has been a project of mine since mid 2020, functionally formed out of pandemic boredom. (I suppose it may still be.) Originally, it started as a game idea, where you would build a spaceship and do all sorts of... spaceship things. Battles, escorts, geo (solar?) politics! If I remember correctly, you'd sorta put these spaceships together out of some prefab and some procedural parts, and while it did have some real physics topics, it was deterministically space opera-y. Because space opera is cool. A little mishmash, hehe.

Through time, I realized that maybe a game would be... impractical. I am vehemently opposed to coding computers in any way other than things like XML editing in some of the games I play. This is reflected in my GPA from the year that I had a computer coding class. Eugh.

I don't quite remember when the titular Dogs came to be, but they were an early thing that snuck into the story after I started reading Freefall in early 2021 after reading Winchell Chung on Atomic Rockets reference it as one of the most scientifically accurate webcomics. Also due to the fact that I became a furry in the December of 2020. Don't blame me, animal people are pretty cute! Anyway, the early dogs were something that made up only a small part of the story, just being some funny guys that worked about under the supervision of humans.

Speaking of humans! There were a couple different sorts of them in early Doggyverse. Modified humans were sort of the underdogs that were subject to getting bombed by the very people who created them (the "normal" humans, not me!!!). The biggest group of these peoples were the Mercurians. Guess where they lived! There were a couple variants, but generally they were very small individuals (about 1-1.25 meters). Most of this lack of height was due to their lack of legs, for weight saving reasons. In general, they were designed to be light as possible. They did have  stumps so that prosthetics could be attached, not only for walking but for carrying things like uh. Rocks. Groceries. Something. Other than being short and legless, they were also completely hairless and were mostly biomechanical. Hairless because mercury is HOT and whoever made all those cities on Mercury invested very little on air conditioning, biomechanical because that is cool as hell. I can imagine they were put together kinda like those guys in Westworld, like a printer or something. Bones of METAL ALLOY FOAM and other cool and awesome things like that. Skin of special scales (based off of lake sturgeons) made them nigh-impervious to blades and scattershot from shotguns. Pretty good for close quarters ship combat! They also could have like 4 arms and something something machine assisted digestion. It's weird. Let's not have a pandemic again so I don't come up with really weird ideas like that any time soon. Also, they like capitalism, or more properly they were forced to do capitalism. Not fun. Mwarp.

There were also people who lived on saturn! They "mined" that yummy fusion fuel He3 from the clouds, y'know, Bespin style. They also did some stuff around the moons and whatnot, some sort of little union gooblies going on. And there was a council of them. AHA!! COMMUNISM, they were COMMUNISTS! Hold your applause please, haha. Back then I didn't really look into political basis, so communism and capitalism were basically just stamps with what I knew. Also, I still know very little about politics, so I don't just put stamps on things now or something I think. Yeah.

So Mercury and Saturn didn't like each other very much. What about the other planets? Well, Mars was a thing, there were people there. No terraforming going on. Earth was turned into garbage by global warming and nuclear war, but it was still pretty cool to hang out on the Moon. Venus was in the process of being terraformed by smashing Pluto into it but that process kinda screwed up and suddenly there were several million large comets plummeting to the inner solar system. 
Well, maybe someone could find some dark satire in these movies now.
Hm. Well, what about Jupiter? Uh. The thing is, I think past me completely forgot about Jupiter. I think there might have been some sentient slime mold or other on Europa that killed a lot of people, but overall there was very little fleshing out of that whole area. Uranus and Neptune were last refuges of humanity from those evil inner solar system nerds, but were mostly too far away to do anything with. Whether or not the sparse settlement of the outer solar system means anything towards deorbiting Pluto into Venus is up to the reader.

I think I'll leave the history of the Doggyverse project here for now, I've written a lot and I unfortunately have other things to do today. I'll be sure to talk about it soon!

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